Neon Daydreams


That said, the real star of this show might just be this couch because it was performing beautifully. Tonight, she’d learned that it wasn’t just a chic, aesthetically-appealing piece of designer furniture that physically fit in her apartment and maintained the Art Deco theme—It was also functional. These unusually deep cushions provided plenty room for this height-blessed stud to sprawl between her legs and engage in the heaviest mouth to mouth action of her life. Right now in this sexy as hell moment underneath Loki, she could finally justify purchasing a three-thousand dollar sofa.


Rolling his eyes, Bucky yanked his backwards ball cap off his head and whacked Loki’s knee with it. “Your qualifyin’ adverbs can go to hell,” he laughed, then put his hat on again. “You seein’ someone?”
Loki grinned slightly. “It’s still really early, but the connection is unreal.”
“You must be hallucinatin’ again.”
“If I am, then this is the best psychotic break of my life,” Loki answered, smiling when his friend snorted. “Honest to god dream girl.”
“Dream girl? Man, keep your crazy head on your shoulders,” Bucky said, then held his hands up. “Sorry. No offense about the crazy thing,” he added when Loki gave him an unimpressed look.


“Did you think I’d let you pay for your own lunch? How else am I supposed to impress you?” Loki winked, snickering quietly at Sigyn’s dramatic eye roll as she unwrapped her mint.
“Mmmhmm,” she hummed, lips pursing as she quietly chewed and swallowed it. “Indeed, after seeing you wield cash like a hero, I am now able to detect a hint of attraction toward you. I mean, prior to this moment, you had nothing else going for you.”
“A hero, I am not,” he lowered his voice, leaning toward her, and gingerly slipping his hand into hers again, “but a villain who has successfully lured you into an attraction trap.”

NEON ch 1

Shoulders slumping at his ineptitude with numbers, Loki groaned softly. Once again, he was allowing New Year’s Day to screw with his head. This hyper self-critical analysis of the previous year was a beloved annual tradition that brought with it as much joy as the forced familial civility at his parents’ holiday dinner. Happy Christmas, and god bless us all for not giving in to that hour-long desire to stab each other with our fancy forks. Now get out of here because SOMEONE’S unaddressed daddy issues are two seconds from turning this place into a bloodbath.

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